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Hmm; I wonder how many instances of a registrant, or a non registrant committing a crime against a child at day care centers, libraries, or other areas where children gather would be found in Carson if anyone decided to look. It all sounds pretty dramatic; war? This all sounds like more of an ego trip than a “war.” There’s already plenty of state laws in place to allay their fears of the imaginary boogeymen waiting for a chance to abscond their little white middle class children.

These people are stupid. I can’t understand why the attorney fees aren’t higher, which would send a pretty clear cut message to any city wishing to declare “war” on state law and American citizens. If any city deserves this it’s Carson. Besides, they’re practically making an offer to finance the mission of CA-RSOL with their obstinate attitude. Talk about screwing every citizen of Carson! I think Janice is being kind when she uses the word “foolish.” Jeez!; what part of “hefty legal fees and poor prospects for victory” don’t they understand? I really don’t think it’s the children that need protection from registrants; I think it’s the entire population that needs protection; but not protection from registrants; they need protection from the city counsel!

. “It’s just like this really deep-rooted denial to say that sex offenders are all monsters and horrible people.

I couldn’t agree more! It’s really sad when supposedly responsible and upright people in responsible positions of trust just assume they are qualified to make decisions on matters they haven’t bothered to educate themselves on; it really says allot about these kinds of people.

The City of Carson continues to act outside the boundaries of the law. The fact that the Council refused to honor the settlement agreement signed by both the City Manager and the City Attorney is but one example. Perhaps the only way to deal with such a City is to fight fire with fire. If they have declared a war, we will have to bring the necessary artillery.

I wonder how much money Carson has to throw into legislation? Senator Lou Correa already tried this with SB 386 last year, which didn’t make it. It was so bad and so unpopular that he pulled it before the Public Safety hearing.
The bigger governments generally don’t like the little municipal governments telling them how to run the state. Just like in McCullough v. Maryland (1819), when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the States could not usurp the authority of the Federal government.
Anyhow, I hope Carson has lots of money to hire lobbyists to do their bidding. Because we have aggressive lobbyists who aren’t paid a red cent, who do it because they want to and are willing to volunteer mountains of time and effort. For every couple of thousand dollars that Carson will have to pay their lobbyists to do a few minutes work at a time, there will be a whole slew of lobbyists from organizations who will oppose such a ridiculous bill.

Money is best not spent on soldiers who must be paid to fight.

As a registered citizen living in the city of Carson, I only have this to say to Janice. (HANG EM HIGH)

Go to war? What, is Carson all the sudden a military force, terrorist organization, or a rebel movement? Either way I doubt the federal government will approve of these forces on American soil.

I would go for $2,000,000 at this point, at least. That’s two MILLION dollars.

This amount is in line, and definitely in the magnitue, of virtually every other wrongful restrictions against Americans that don’t involve sex offenders. This is a far greater restriction.

I look forward to this court battle, and hope that the date for the arguments in court are publicized or at least recorded so we can watch the stupidity of the city’s arguments.

How will the public ever get over their “irrational fears” if newspapers and politicians keep insisting all sex offenders re-offend and are so dangerous they cant be trusted to go to a library without jumping out from a bush and assaulting or kidnapping a child? Look at the title of this, its under CRIMES AGAINST CHILDREN.

I just have to shake my head.

Unbelievable! An agreement is made and then they refuse to abide by it. What bafoons! With Janice at the helm … they should be afraid, not even sure they can prepare for this ‘war’ ~ they will lose.

Thank you carson public service personnel …keep up the bad work ….Brubaker like ‘weight’ of ‘bank’.

This is NOT a protect the children issue, but it is being used to appear as such. There has not been any history of a registrant (after going through probation, therapy and time served) attacking a child in a park. The real motive I believe is a political one. Registered citizens have become the perfect new political whipping boy for votes. Face it under the guise of punishing those deemed as evil and from the angle used to protect the children who wouldn’t be okay with these kind of measures? To NOT be for them you would somehow be seen as NOT being there for child safety.

What fuels their reasoning is the societal climate. People are afraid and out of control. It is from that Black-hole of darkness that comes our challenge. It’s not these people we must fight it’s their fears. Parents lack of control of their kids, the feelings of insecurity about the future and the feeding of that fear by the media. Society has a cancer it’s the THEM verses US mentality and the illusion that we are somehow separate from THEM. We are them. We registrants come from the same backyards and playgrounds as them. Defining that is our challenge.

Registrants are the best targets to release against from that place of darkness. How do we fight such a Goliath? We do it with truth. This truth and the history that has always looked for a scape goat to victimize. The truth from the past of those once viewed in this way (slaves, Jews, Japanese Americans and the Native Americans) are our allies. We will gain more allies to fight this evil as the truth reveals itself to others and to society over time…some in the clergy and some in societal groups, but most important WE needed to hold fast and stand firm with each other.

This fight is a light against darkness fight people. The sad thing is that this darkness is thought by these (otherwise nice) people as a thing of light. The Sex Offender Registry is a LIVING DEATH it is Evil and it is Wrong. Proverbs 16:25. There is a way to a man that seems right but the end thereof is the ways of DEATH. Be of good cheer people we are on the right side of this issue. TRUTH

They are going to war with the Constitution? With lies as their only ammunition? How dramatic, Doňes Quixote de Carson! Nonetheless, I am willing to chip in a little extra for the war effort. Anyone with me?

Yes Tim, I do not even live in your state but will send a donation when I get paid next week, Janice is the best, CARSOL is lucky to have her.

Everyone forgets.. Carson is not a little guy… They have refinery money pouring to them daily… I’m surprised they didn’t refuse the settlement on the first shot…

Carson is facing a budget shortfall:
I like (sarcasm intended) the city’s proposed surveillance system, which is presently unfunded. Maybe the funds wasted on fighting to keep the ordinances intact will mean the citizens of Carson will also avoid having their privacy violated by cameras all over the city.

Anyone familiar with my comments on this site KNOW that I have always said that we are at war and are under attack from our own government! I am glad that someone on the enemies side is finally admitting it!

Our government is attacking us illegally and violating our constitutional rights with lifetime punishment after we have paid the debt to society (even though many of us are totally innocent and others were found guilty of a victimless “crime”)!

So now tell me that passive action is the only way to win this war. They attached first…they are the aggressor…in this battle!

They need a good, legal, kick in the teeth. I hope they get it come June.